SunClock is a sweet, resizable clock widget for your home screen. Not only is it a beautiful analog clock, its colored segments show the periods of low sun around sunrise and sunset, including `golden hour', and the periods where the sun is under the horizon but its light is visible (`blue hour'). Essential information for photographers and for any outdoor activity from hiking to sailing, and it is now available in a handy widget right on your home screen.You can choose to show sunrise and sunset at your place, or choose from a built-in database with thousands of cities all over the world. You can also specify the latitude and longitude of a place directly.
SunClock is also a powerful world clock. It can of course show the time at your place, but also the time in the city you selected, or in any other time zone. Perfect if you want to keep in touch with remote business partners or loved ones, and knowing if it is night, day, or dusk at their place is a powerful extra.
How do you install a widget? That depends on your phone or tablet. Typically you long-touch the home screen and follow the instructions, or there is a special section for widgets in your list of applications. Search for 'Sun Clock'. When you install the widget, you will be asked for its settings. You can always change them later by simply tapping the widget.
See for more detailed instructions.
The cities database is derived from material at We thank them for their very helpful data collection!
Keywords: outdoor, world clock, sunset, golden hour, time zone.